Scorpion portable smowmobile loading ramps require about three square feet of storage space, fold to a 9" depth and weigh in at about 125 lbs. Scorpion snowmobile ramps are equipped with wheels for easy transport. A punched and raised aluminum traction platform allows for safe use, even when wet. The ramp's patented compressed arch design allows for maximum strength and stability during use. Stainless steel hinges and lack of structural welds insure a long life and unequalled durability. Scorpion ramp's design is pure genius, see for yourself.
Snowmobile Ramp
Get loaded without a hitch! Scorpion snowmobile ramps come with two belt straps to secure the ramp to the loading point. No legs, hitches or parts to lose, it's all one unit.
Compressed arch design allows for smooth and sturdy loading and unloading.
Machined Aluminum The load is distributed on one-piece 1/8" 5052 aluminum and stainless steel, no weak points.
One piece, no assembly No parts to lose. Deploy, load and stow in under five minutes your first time!
Full width punched & raised aluminum traction platform Snowmobile ramp has angled traction to allow for easy loading with a slip resistant surface.
Two belt straps included for secure attachment to loading edge. Scorpion ramp doesn't go anywhere until you want it to.
Machined aluminum ball bearing wheels for easy transport, so anyone can roll it.
80 lb complete unit weight Load, stow and go.
50 square feet of traction platform all that tractioned space allows experts and novices alike a safe and confident loading and unloading experience in the most inclement weather. Smooth plated for the skids.
4,000 lb capacity, 1,600 lb duty rating* that's over THIRTY TIMES it's weight.
120" long Ten foot length offers less incline than shorter ramps.